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Intregrating Health Into Transportation Planning in Metro Vancouver

Research Team: Andrea Procyk, Dr. Lawrence Frank, Dr. Josh van Loon, Anastasia Frank, George Poulos, and Sean Bohle

Funding: TransLink

Integrating Health Into Transportation Planning in Metro Vancouver is a report produced by the Health and Community Design Lab to provide background for the development of TransLink’s Regional Transportation Strategy. It provides an overview of research outlining why transportation planning is important to health and examines these relationships in the context of the linkages connecting the built environment, travel behaviour, physical activity, diet, and health outcomes. The report finds clear and strong connections between transportation and land use choices and health outcomes.

The second half of the report provides practical information on how TransLink (and other transportation planning agencies) can incorporate health into transportation planning through: policy development; evaluation; monitoring and reassessment; and public engagement, partnership and collaboration. Three case studies illustrate how health is already being brought into transportation planning elsewhere in Canada, in the United States and in Australia.

A summary brochure of the report will be available from this page shortly. Please check back soon.

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

UBC School of Population & Public Health
2206 East Mall ,
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z3, Canada
Tel: 604-822-2772
School of Community and Regional Planning
#433 - 6333 Memorial Road,
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z2, Canada
Tel: 604-822-3276

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